The Catalog

The role of the Catalog in jschon is twofold:

  1. It acts as a schema cache, enabling schemas and subschemas to be indexed, re-used, and cross-referenced by URI – allowing for the definition of multiple, cooperative schemas that work together to evaluate JSON documents.

  2. It provides the infrastructure required for constructing JSONSchema objects. This can include meta-schemas, vocabularies and keyword implementations, format validators, and URI-to-directory mappings enabling URI-identified schemas to be located on disk.

A Catalog object is typically created and configured at startup:

>>> from jschon import create_catalog
>>> catalog = create_catalog('2020-12')

The create_catalog() function accepts a variable argument list indicating which versions of the JSON Schema vocabularies to support. For example, the following initialization call will enable your application to work with both 2019-09 and 2020-12 schemas:

>>> catalog = create_catalog('2019-09', '2020-12')

If your application requires distinct Catalog instances with different configurations, then your setup might look something like this:

>>> catalog_1 = create_catalog('2019-09', name='Catalog 1')
>>> catalog_2 = create_catalog('2020-12', name='Catalog 2')

The relevant Catalog instance - or name - can be specified when creating new JSONSchema objects:

>>> from jschon import JSONSchema
>>> schema_1 = JSONSchema({"type": "object", ...}, catalog=catalog_1)
>>> schema_2 = JSONSchema.loadf('/path/to/schema.json', catalog='Catalog 2')

Reference loading

Schema references can be resolved to files on disk, by configuring a local directory source for a given base URI:

>>> from jschon import create_catalog, LocalSource, URI
>>> catalog = create_catalog('2020-12')
>>> catalog.add_uri_source(
...     URI(""),
...     LocalSource('/path/to/schemas/', suffix='.json')
... )

Now, the "$ref" in the following schema resolves to the local file /path/to/schemas/my/schema.json:

    "$ref": "",
    "$schema": ""

We can also retrieve JSONSchema objects by URI directly from the catalog:

>>> my_schema = catalog.get_schema(URI(""))

See File-based schemas for further examples of loading schemas from disk.

Format validation

By default, formats are not validated in jschon. Any occurrence of the format keyword simply produces an annotation consisting of the keyword’s value, called the format attribute.

Format validators can be registered using the format_validator() decorator. Format attributes must, however, be explicitly enabled for validation in the catalog, in order to use any registered format validator. This can be done using enable_formats().

For a working example, see Format validation.